Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing

77 [✐4] I'll try out somehow. + Shadowing


[✐4. Allegretto] Vて+みます try out an action

“I will try out somehow.”


Hello everyone. Ono san hasn’t come to Baito (part-time job) for the last 2-3 days.  A bit worrying….

Repeat after me


1.  I’ll try to send a mail to Ono san tonight.

2.  I’ll try to call him later.

3.  I’ll try to ask Ono san’s family.

4.  I’ll try to visit Ono san’s house this weekend.

5.  I’ll try to wait and see.

(yousu wo miru = wait and see, see how it goes)


It seems that Ono san is not feeling well lately.

Repeat after me


1.  I’ll try to relax a little more at home.

2.  I’ll try to take some medicine I have at home.

3.  I’ll try to eat something good for digestion.

4.  I’ll try to find a hospital on the internet.

5.  I’ll try to go to (see) a doctor if it doesn’t get better.


I hope Ono san gets better soon.


Riden san is planning to visit Japan next year.  It will be the first time. He doesn’t know about Japanese food, either.


First, listen to the key words [KW] and repeat the sentence.


For example,

[KW] Okinawa, go

→ Please try to go to Okinawa.



1.  [KW] Okinawa, once, Habu-shu, drink

→ Please try to drink Habu-shu in Okinawa.

(habushu = habu sake = snake wine)

2.  [KW] definitely, Depa-chika, shopping

→ Please try to do shopping in the basement of the department store.

(depa chika = Basement of the department store)

3.  [KW] Osaka, authentic Takoyaki

→ Please try eating the authentic Takoyaki in Osaka.

(honba no = authentic)





Repeat after me


1.  こんばん、おのさんにメールしてみます。

2.  あとで、でんわしてみます。

3.  おのさんのかぞくにきいてみます。

4.  しゅうまつ、おのさんのうちにいってみます。

5.  もう すこし ようすを みてみます。

(ようすをみる = wait and see, see how it goes)


おのさんは さいきん たいちょうがよくないようです。

Repeat after me


1.  もうすこし、うちでゆっくりしてみます。

2.  うちにあるくすりをのんでみます。

3.  しょうかによいものをたべてみます。

4.  ネットでびょういんをさがしてみます。

5.  よくならないときは、いしゃにいってみます。









[KW] おきなわ、いきます

→ おきなわにいってみてください。



1.  [KW]おきなわ、いちど、はぶしゅ、のみます

→ おきなわで、いちど はぶしゅを のんでみてください。

(はぶしゅ = はぶさけ = snake wine)

2.  [KW] ぜひ、デパちか、かいもの

→ ぜひ、デパちかで かいものを してみてください。

(デパちか = Basement of the department store)

3.  [KW]おおさか、ほんばのたこやき

→ おおさかで、ほんばのたこやきを たべてみてください。

(ほんばの = authentic)

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.