Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing
Are you learning Japanese and looking for more opportunities to speak? This Podcast drill is exactly for you. Simply repeat after me - while you are commuting, cooking or even in your bed. The drill also includes plain style dialogue, which is an informal style spoken in daily life among friends and family, and also in Anime. Now more shadowing practices are available, too. Have a go and get fluent soon! --- Learning Nihongo is fun, ne. More drills and full transcripts/translations (on your smartphone! + PDF) are available on Patreon.
Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing
76 [✐2] I work in IT. +Shadowing
[✐2.Andante] Vte-Form : Expression of a state/resulting state, or occupation.
“I work in IT(-related).”
Hello everyone. Today, you are going to meet your friend whom you haven’t seen for a very long time. He used to be called Masao kun, but now he is Masako san, living as a woman.
(dansei = otoko no hito = man)
(josei = onna no hito = woman)
(josei to shite = as a woman)
From now, we are going to meet in front of the station. Masako san sent a message via LINE to us.
Repeat after me
1. I wear a big pair of glasses.
2. I wear a heart (shaped) earings.
3. I wear a floral dress(one-piece suit).
4. I wear blue high heels.
5. I have a light blue bag.
Ah, there, there, I’ve found her! “Long time no see, how have you been doing?“
Now, ask Masako san some questions. Please answer as follows;
Where are you living now?
→ I live in Tokyo.
1. Since when are you been living as a woman?
about 3 years ago
→ I live as a woman about three years ago.
2. Where do you live?
company dormitory in Shinjuku
→ I live in a company dormitory in Shinjuku.
3. Where do you work?
a company called Googolo
→ I work for a company called Googolo.
(〜to iu kaisha = a company called 〜)
4. What do you do (occupationally)?
IT related
→ I work in IT.
(〜kankei no shigoto = 〜-related work/job)
Where do you live?
Your own answer please:
What do you do occupationally?
Your own answer please:
みなさん、こんにちは。きょうは、とてもひさしぶりに ともだちにあいます。むかしは まさおくん(だんせい)でしたが、いまは まさこさん です。じょせいとして くらしています。
(だんせい = おとこのひと = man)
(じょせい = おんなのひと = woman)
(じょせいとして = as a woman)
これから、えきのまえで まちあわせをします。まさこさんは みなさんにラインをしました。
(ライン = messaging app popular in Japan)
Repeat after me
1. わたしは おおきなめがねを かけています。
2. ハートのイヤリングを しています。
3. はながらのワンピースを きています。
4. あおいハイヒールを はいています。
5. みずいろのバッグを もっています。
いま 、どこにすんでいますか。
→ とうきょうにすんでいます。
1. いつからじょせいとして くらしていますか。
3ねん くらい まえ
→3ねん くらいまえ から じょせいとして くらしています。
2. どこにすんでいますか。
→ しんじゅくの かいしゃの りょうに すんでいます。
3. どこで はたらいていますか。
ゴーゴロという かいしゃ
→ ゴーゴロという かいしゃで はたらいて います。
(〜というかいしゃ = a company called 〜)
4. しごとは なにを していますか。
→ ITかんけいのしごとをしています。
(〜かんけいのしごと = 〜-related work/job)
Your own answer please:
しごとは なにをしていますか。
Your own answer please:
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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.