Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing
Are you learning Japanese and looking for more opportunities to speak? This Podcast drill is exactly for you. Simply repeat after me - while you are commuting, cooking or even in your bed. The drill also includes plain style dialogue, which is an informal style spoken in daily life among friends and family, and also in Anime. Now more shadowing practices are available, too. Have a go and get fluent soon! --- Learning Nihongo is fun, ne. More drills and full transcripts/translations (on your smartphone! + PDF) are available on Patreon.
Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing
75 [✐3] Dinner, dekitayo +Shadowing
[✐3. Moderato] できます be completed/built/finished, come into being
“Dinner is ready(cooked).”
Hello everyone.
There used to be no supermarket or anything in my neighbourhood, but recently various shops are built(opened) and it has become more convenient.
Repeat after me
1. A supermarket was built in my neighbourhood.
2. A drug store was built next to the super market.
3. An adult education center was built opposite the drug store.
4. A department store was built behind (in the back of) the culture centre.
5. A beer garden was built(open) on the roof of the department store.
What do you think should be built in your neighbourhood?
Repeat after me
1. It’d be convenient if a Kindergarten is built.
2. I hope a sports club will be built.
3. It’d be great if a sports club is built.
4. A convenience store would be convenient!
5. I’d like to go(attend) if a Japanese language school is built.
Construction is underway in front of the station. I’m curious… Let’s ask somebody.
Repeat after me
What will be built here? Do you know?
Now, after ♪, please ask “What will be built here? Do you know?” Then I will answer.
1. ♪→ Ask me: What will be built here? Do you know?
(Hmm, I don’t know either.)
2. ♪→ What will be built here? Do you know?
(I’ve heard there will be a parking lot.)
3. ♪→ What will be built here? Do you know?
(It will be a shopping centre.)
It’s your turn now. I will ask you, and you answer.
For example,
What will be built here? Do you know? / supermarket
→ It will be a supermarket (A supermarket will be built).
うちのそばには、いぜんは スーパーも なにも ありませんでしたが、さいきんはいろいろ おみせができて、べんりになりました。
Repeat after me
1. きんじょにスーパーが できました。
2. スーパーのとなりにドラッグストアが できました。
3. ドラッグストアのむかいに カルチャー センターができました。
(カルチャーセンター = an adult education center, cultural centre)
4. カルチャーセンターのうしろに、デパートができました。
5. デパートのおくじょうにビアガーデンができました。
きんじょに なにが できたら いいと おもいますか。
Repeat after me
1. ようちえんが できたら べんりです。
2. びょういんが できたら いいと おもいます。
3. スポーツクラブが できたら いいです。
4. コンビニが できたら べんりです!
5. にほんごがっこうが できたらいきたい です。
Repeat after me
では、♪のあとに、「ここになにができるんですか。しっていますか」ときいて ください。わたしが こたえます。
1. ♪→ Ask me:ここになにができるんですか。 しっていますか。
(さあ、わたしも しりません。)
2. ♪→ ここになにができるんですか。 しっていますか。
(ちゅうしゃじょうが できると ききました。)
3. ♪→ ここになにができるんですか。 しっていますか。
(ショッピングセンターが できるんですよ。)
→(you answer)スーパーができるんです。
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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.