Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing
Are you learning Japanese and looking for more opportunities to speak? This Podcast drill is exactly for you. Simply repeat after me - while you are commuting, cooking or even in your bed. The drill also includes plain style dialogue, which is an informal style spoken in daily life among friends and family, and also in Anime. Now more shadowing practices are available, too. Have a go and get fluent soon! --- Learning Nihongo is fun, ne. More drills and full transcripts/translations (on your smartphone! + PDF) are available on Patreon.
Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing
66 [✐1,2] Comparison+Shadowing
[✐1.Adagio, 2.Andante]N1はN2より〜。N1のほうが〜。
“Sky Tree is higher (than Tokyo Tower).”
Hello everyone.
Which is bigger, or smaller, a lion or a cat?
Repeat after me
1. Lions are bigger.
2. Lions are bigger than cats.
3. Cats are smaller.
4. Cats are smaller than lions.
So far so good, right?
Now, let’s answer as follows.
For example,
Which do you like better, sushi or sashimi?
→I prefer Sashimi.
Note: ”no hou” can be omitted = ”Sashimi ga suki desu.”
1. Which do you like better, coffee or Japanese tea?
→ I prefer coffee.
2. Which do you like better, baseball or football?
→ I prefer football(soccer).
3. Which do you like better, red wine or white wine?
Red wine
→I prefer a red wine.
4. Which is better for your next trip, the sea or the mountain?
the sea
→ The sea is better (I prefer sea).
5. Which is higher, Tokyo Tower or Sky Tree?
Sky Tree
→ Sky Tree is higher.
In fact, Sky Tree is the tallest tower in the world.
Now, let’s practice how to ask questions.
For example,
Monet and Manet, which, like
→ Which do you like better, Monet or Manet?
“dochira” can be replaced by “docchi”.
「スカイツリーのほうが (とうきょうタワーより) たかいです。」
Repeat after me
1. ライオンのほうが おおきいです。
2. ライオンは ねこより おおきいです。
3. ねこのほうが ちいさいです。
4. ねこは ライオンより ちいさいです。
→ さしみのほうがすきです。
Note: ”のほう” can be omitted =「さしみがすきです。」
1. コーヒーと にほんちゃと どちらがいいですか。
→ コーヒーのほうがいいです。
2. やきゅうと サッカーと どちらが すきですか。
3. あかワインとしろワインと、どちらがすきですか。
4. つぎのりょこうは うみと やまと どちらがいいですか。
→うみのほうが いいです。
5. とうきょうタワーと スカイツリー(と)どちらが たかいですか。
→ スカイツリーのほうが たかいです。
じっさい、スカイツリーは せかいで いちばんたかいタワーですね。
つぎは、しつもんのしかたを すこし れんしゅうしましょう。
→モネとマネ(と) どちらがすきですか。
どちらcan be replaced by どっち.
→ 「モネとマネ(と)どっちがすきですか。」
Note: In colloquial, the second と can be omitted.
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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.