Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing

60 [✐2,3]What did you used to do?


[✐2. Andante, 3. Moderato] Vて+ いました past progressive tense, habitual behaviour in the past

“I used to skip the classes.”


Hello everyone.

What did you use to do as a child? Adjective “yoku” is often added to express “often”.  “As a child” is “kodomo no koro”.

Repeat after me


1.  As a child, I used to read books.

2.  As a child, I used to listen to (phonograph/vinyl) records.

3.  As a child, I used to play with Lego.

4.  As a child, I used to fight with my brother.

5.  As a child, I used to watch Anime.


There was a robbery in your neighbourhood.  A detective came to you and interviewed you.  “What were you doing yesterday?” Please answer the detective as follow.

For example,


What were you doing around 12 o’clock yesterday?

Lunch, eat

(your answer) → I was eating lunch.



1.  What were you doing around 3 pm yesterday?

bank, withdraw money

→  I was withdrawing money at the bank.

2.  What were you doing around 5 pm yesterday?

→  I was buying clothes in a department store.

3.  What were you doing around 7 pm last night?

friends, drink in Izakaya

→  I was drinking with my friends in Izakaya.

(*Izakaya = Informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks.)

4.  What were you doing around 9 pm yesterday?

in front of the station, wait for a taxi

→ I was waiting for a taxi in front of the station.

5.  What were you doing around 11 pm yesterday?

At home, alone, watch TV

→ I was watching TV alone at home.


I see.  You were alone around 11 pm.  You have no alibi.  You are suspicious….


「よく じゅぎょうを さぼっていました」

[00: 08]


What did you use to do as a child? Adjectiveよくis often added to express “often”.  “As a child” is 「こどものころ」ですね。

Repeat after me


1.  こどものころ、よく ほんをよんでいました。

2.  こどものころ、よく レコードをきいていました。

3.  こどものころ、よく レゴで あそんでいました。

4.  こどものころ、よく あにと けんかをしてい ました。

5.  こどものころ、よく アニメをみていました。


There was a robbery in your neighbourhood.  A detective came to you and interviewed you.  “What were you doing yesterday?” Please answer the detective as follow.





(your answer)→ ランチを たべていました。



1.  きのうの3じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


→ ぎんこうで おかねをおろしていました。

2.  きのうの5じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


→ デパートでようふくをかっていました。

3.  きのうのよる7じごろ、なにをしていましたか。

ともだち、いざかやで のみます

→ ともだちと いざかや*で のんでいました。

(*いざかや=Informal Japanese bar that serves alcoholic drinks and snacks.)

4.  きのうのよる9じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


→ えきまえで、タクシーをまっていました。

5.  きのうのよる11じごろ、なにをしていましたか。


→ うちで、ひとりで テレビをみていました。


そうですか、11 じごろは ひとりでしたね。アリバイがありませんね。あやしいですね…。

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.