Japanese Swotter - Speaking Drill + Shadowing

55[✐3] may/might not

August 20, 2024 Yoko

“It may be fake news.”

☆ 「〜kamo shiremasen」 is quasi “I think 〜 (but not sure).“ , and lesser degree of certainty in comparison with 「 〜deshou (e.g “I’ll bet…“)」.

[00: 08]

Hello everyone.  How are you doing? Today(‘s topic) is “it may/might be.…”.


There is a party tomorrow. Please answer followings with maybe or maybe not.


For example;Are you going to tomorrow’s party? / maybe → I may go.



1.  Is Erika san coming? / maybe

→ She may come.

2.  Is Richard san also coming? / maybe

→ He may come.

3.  Is Stephan san also coming? / maybe not

→ He may not come.

4.  How about Alexander san?  Are you going? / maybe 

→ I may go.

5.  How about Daniela san? Are you going? /maybe not 

→ I may not go.

6.  Are you, Yang san, also going? / well, may be 

→ Well, I may go.


Repeat after me

1.  I may eat lunch later.

2.  I may take a day offor holiday) next month.

3.  I may quit Karate.

4.  I may not in time.

5.  Suga san may not drink alcohol.


Apparently, Prime Minister Suga doesn’t drink alcohol, by the way.


When you’d like to say somebody may have done something, たta-form will be used.







Maybe or maybe notでこたえましょう。




→ いくかもしれません。



1.  エリカさんは きますか / maybe


2.  リチャードさんもきますか / maybe

→  くるかもしれません。

3.  シュテファンさんもきますか / maybe not

→ こないかもしれません。

4.  アレクサンダーさんは?いきますか /maybe

→ いくかもしれません。

5.  ダニエラさんは?いきますか / maybe not

→ いかないかもしれません。

6.  ヤンさんもいきませんか /そうですね、may be

→ そうですね、いくかもしれません。


Repeat after me

1.  ランチは あとで たべる かもしれません。

2.  らいげつ、やすみをとる かもしれません。

3.  からてをやめるかもしれません。

4.  じかんに まにあわない かもしれません。

5.  すがさんは おさけを のまない かもしれません。




When you’d like to say somebody may have done something, たta-form should be used.

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Note: English translations might sound occasionally unnatural as English, as I try to preserve the structure and essence of the original Japanese.